Showing 1 - 2 of 2 pages tagged with: AAA

AAA Uses Virtualized Data to Deliver Flexible Information Architecture

AAA of Northern CA, NV, and UT recently reorganized its operations to create a for-profit insurance division and a not-for-profit auto division (Auto Club). While the Auto Club put in place its data center, integration platforms and applications, it shared IT resources with the insurance division so as to keep its operational applications, like reporting tool sand call centers, working as usual. As a result, the company was looking for a way to create an abstraction layer that deployed quickly and continued to feed the operational applications while migration continued under the hood.From a...

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Mergers and Acquisitions Made Easy (And Successful)

Leverage data virtualization for seamless M&A that deliver expected gains.Companies engage in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) to gain new capabilities, reduce operational costs, eliminate competitors, and enter new markets. Unfortunately, most M&A eff orts fail to deliver the results that upper management expects.One reason for this high failure rate is that M&A activities need to be resolved as quickly as possible, since they carry a cost, yet they require complex integrations at the technology level, which take time. Employee and customer data, sales processes, and financial...

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