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Errol Rodericks

EMEA & LATAM Product & Solutions Marketing Director, Denodo

The energy and utilities sector is undergoing a significant transformation in how energy is generated, managed, and consumed. 

In this webinar we delve into the new era of data-driven, intelligent, and eco-centric operations sought by future-focused energy and utility companies. We will cover essential topics, including: 

  • The integration of distributed energy sources
  • The rise of virtual power plants
  • Innovative customer engagement strategies

Discover the pivotal role of AI-driven analytics in handling real-time, complex data and learn how logical data management ensures secure, efficient, and governed data operations. This approach eliminates the costs, risks, and delays associated with centralizing data, while providing all business units with self-service access to data products in the language and speed of the business. 

Watch the webinar to explore how advanced technologies are helping energy and utility companies overcome challenges and realize a sustainable future.

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