Fast Data Strategy Afternoon Belgium

 24 Nov 2016 - Brussels (Belgium)

Denodo and InfoRoad (a Cronos´s division for BI and data virtualization), will celebrate together the Fast Data Strategy Afternoon in Belgium, taking place at Kasteel Ter Ham in Brussels on 24 November 2016.

At this event, attendees will have the opportunity to learn from Mike Ferguson – an independent analyst recently named among the Top 10 BI influencers on Twitter – how modern data integration technologies are allowing large organizations to rapidly integrate data without the need to copy or physically move data from one source to another. From the Denodo and Inforoad side, Anastasio Molano and Bart De Groeve, will show use cases around data virtualization and will demonstrate through real case studies, how this modern IT environment facilitates a Fast Data Strategy approach that brings substantial benefits to organizations by providing a holistic view of the business in real-time, timely reporting, elimination of information silos and reduction of IT costs.

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