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Alexey Sidorov

Data Management Director, Chief Evangelist

Stefano Cruciani

Marketing Manager Southern Europe & Middle East

As leading industry analysts Gartner suggest, considering the increasing volume of data to be managed nowadays inside the organizations, it is time to stop “collecting” the data into a central repository and start “connecting” to the data at the sources. The rise of new data architectures paradigms, as the Logical Data Fabric, facilitates this approach by gaining a virtual view of the data.

With so much valuable data potentially available, it can be frustrating for organizations to discover that they can’t easily work with it because it’s stuck in disconnected silos. Limited data access is a problem when organizations need timely, complete views of all relevant data about customers, supply chains, business performance, public health, and more, to make informed decisions. We need only look at the current COVID-19 pandemic to understand the importance of being able to view and share data across silos.

Companies have fought this data separation by physically consolidating the information together into a central repository, but such efforts have largely failed since new data keeps sprouting in other places as in multiple cloud-based storage platforms. Data silos are inevitable It’s all about how you manage them that is important.  Logical data fabrics, one of the hottest topics in data architecture right now, aim to leave the data in place but gain a unified view for the entire enterprise through a virtual approach.

Join us for this webinar to learn:

  • What are the main challenges and opportunities in the new logical data architecture approaches
  • Why organizations across the world should adopt the new logical data architecture
  • How Logical Data Fabric liberates the data to be innovated at the sources while bringing it together in a virtual fashion for the benefits of data discovery, management, and governance
  • How data virtualization, as core technology, enable the organization to build logical data fabric models reducing the time for the deployment
  • How to implement a Logical Data Fabric inside your organization

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