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ETCIO Annual Summit, India

Denodo is a proud sponsor of The Economic Times CIO Annual Conclave is back with a refreshing and unmissable theme at the 6th edition of its flagship 4-day residential conclave in Goa, India. This year’s theme “The Era of Digital Leadership” will encompass CIO transformation and and future strategies in the form of forward looking panel sessions, fireside chats, CIOs experiential sessions, and knowledge-sharing standalone talks which will stand out around the current and upcoming technology trends to explain the CIOs critical role and their demand in the digital native era.

The winds of disruption have swept aside old ideas about how a business operates and the pace at which it needs to move. The future is being built on new technologies, data, and digitization. Fast-moving, cross-functional teams of people from different parts of the organization experiment and innovate together to deliver new products and capabilities at an unprecedented pace. The old leadership rules don’t apply.

Two core themes inform these new rules: speed and collaboration. The shift to digital means everything must move faster: time to insight, time to market, the pace of development, and delivery. CIOs are asked to get into technology as digital leaders and are reaching out, stepping up, and playing a critical role in driving growth to create customer impact business orientation. Every technology leader has a perspective on how to enable, create, and amplify growth to scale up in the executive role.

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