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The Denodo Platform improved our agility, performance, and profitability.
Mark Eaton
Enterprise Architect

Autodesk, Inc. is an American multinational software corporation that makes software for the architecture, engineering, construction, manufacturing, media, and entertainment industries.

Did you know that it is possible for a company to completely transform its revenue model, without disrupting business operations? This is exactly what Autodesk accomplished, with the help of the Denodo Platform. But that was just the beginning.

A Seamless Transformation

Autodesk had been operating with a perpetual licensing model for years, but wanted to switch to the more modern subscription-based model. However, the company’s legacy operational data warehouse could not support this critical change without downtime. The Denodo Platform’s data virtualization capabilities enabled Autodesk to establish a logical data warehouse, capable of providing real-time access to data from the old and new systems, during the transition.

Once the transformation was complete, the new logical warehouse architecture provided other, continuing benefits: By establishing a unified layer for accessing Autodesk’s disparate sources, it facilitated regulatory compliance, as well as collaboration between the business and IT. It also enabled near-real-time payment processing, which was just not possible before.

The Denodo Platform improved our agility, performance, and profitability.

Denodo Free Trial

30-tägige Testversion in der Cloud, um die vollständige Denodo Standard zu testen


Denodo Express

Der kostenlose Einstieg in die Datenvirtualisierung