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Vincent Fages-Gouyou
Vincent Fages-Gouyou

Senior Director of Product Management, EMEA

ETL solutions have historically dominated the market of data integration tools, it’s a fact. In recent years, however, the exponential growth, complexity and diversification of data types, in addition to the need of an ever-faster access to fresh data, have proven the limitations of traditional solutions that depend on physical movement of data. Indeed, data integration based on techniques like ETL and data warehousing are often slow, complex, expensive and result in the loss of some information.  

Data virtualization enables organizations to avoid the complexity of ETL. This technology creates a logical data layer that integrates all enterprise data siloed across the disparate systems, manages the unified data for centralized security and governance, and delivers it to business users in real time. With its “zero replication” approach, data virtualization results in significant cost and time savings.

Join this webinar to understand how EU institutions can benefit from data virtualization to accelerate time to data, to reduce IT operational costs and workload, and to facilitate a secure access to legacy systems. During this session, you will learn:

  • The complexity of today’s data ecosystem and why traditional solutions fall short
  • What is data virtualization? How does it differ from ETL?
  • Will data virtualization replace traditional data warehouses based on ETL?
  • What should data virtualization be used for and what should it not be used for.
  • Capabilities and benefits of data virtualization for:
    • Performance
    • Data Governance and Security
    • ROI and agility
    • Adoption of New Technologies
    • Digital Footprint

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