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Quantyca is a technology consulting company specialized in Data and Metadata Management. Quantyca work with all business and IT functions to help customers become more competitive, exploiting the potential made available by new data technologies. All the services Quantyca offers are designed to extract the maximum value from the data realizing data platforms that are responsive, resilient, and able to evolve over time. With over 100 active successful projects, Quantyca build together with customers solutions that can grow and reliably produce value over time.

    Business Sales ReadyTrained to position Denodo using sales playbooks, solution-building strategies, and toolkits supported by real-world use cases.
    Technical Sales ReadyCertified to present, compare, and recommend data virtualization powered by Denodo for logical and physical data architectures.
    Product ReadyAccomplished in the concepts for designing, developing, and deploying the Denodo Platform.
    Demo ReadyAdept in performing quick data virtualization capability overviews, competitive comparisons, and customized solution demonstrations on the Denodo Platform.
    PoC ReadyValidated by Denodo in the best practices and methodologies to deliver comprehensive pilots or PoCs of the Denodo Platform.
    Implementation ReadyExpert in the implementation of Denodo use cases with Denodo oversight and advisory support.

Denodo Free Trial

30-tägige Testversion in der Cloud, um die vollständige Denodo Standard zu testen


Denodo Express

Der kostenlose Einstieg in die Datenvirtualisierung