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Denodo Data Days 2022: Calgary

Denodo is joined by BDO Lixar in Calgary to share their expertise and use cases in data integration and management.

Meet us at Saltlik on October 17, 2022 as we discuss the value of implementing a logical data fabric, using a data catalog to bring together IT and business, oil & gas use case, modernizing your cloud architecture, and more.

Date: October 17, 2022 Time: 1:00 - 6:00 pm

Location: SALTLIK CALGARY | Mahogany Room | 101 8th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB l T2P 1B4 |

Register to reserve your seat!

Essai gratuit de Denodo

30 jours d'essai gratuit sur le cloud pour tester pleinement Denodo Standard


Denodo Express

L'accès libre à la data virtualization