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AAA of Northern CA, NV, and UT recently reorganized its operations to create a for-profit insurance division and a not-for-profit auto division (Auto Club). While the Auto Club put in place its data center, integration platforms and applications, it shared IT resources with the insurance division so as to keep its operational applications, like reporting tool sand call centers, working as usual. As a result, the company was looking for a way to create an abstraction layer that deployed quickly and continued to feed the operational applications while migration continued under the hood.

From a strategic perspective, as they were building their IT infrastructure from the ground up, AAA wanted to infuse flexibility and agility into the architecture that would allow them to introduce future changes at the source, target or middleware layer without disrupting existing workflows.

After a 90 day POC, AAA selected Denodo’s Data Virtualization platform because it met its short-term and long-term requirements. It not only enabled an easy IT systems migration in the short-term, but also provided the flexibility and agility to the AAA architecture, important in the long-term.

According to Masha Bykin, Data Development Lead at AAA NCNU, “Data Virtualization has been amazing in that it has given us faster and easier ways to do things.”

Download this whitepaper to learn how AAA achieved:

  • Speed integration by pointing ETL to virtualized sources
  • Agile BI
  • Expose spreadsheet and semi-structured data as virtualized databases to support desktop applications
  • Single customer views for cloud CRM

For more information on how AAA used the Denodo Platform, visit their customer page

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