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Paul Moxon

SVP Data Architecture & Chief Evangelist

Your business stakeholders need more data, faster data, more relevant, and more timely data. They are pushing for a data and analytics self-service model to speed up getting key insights. The CEO has made it clear that this is critical to the continued growth and health of the business...this is your top priority.

You've done your research and you really like the concept of using Data Virtualization as a data access layer, supporting the type of self-service wanted by the business. The fact that you have data spread across different departments, as well as in the Cloud, makes this idea even more attractive. This will allow you to deliver more data and more timely data to your users - both for analytics and for operational purposes.

However, you have some doubts; you want to deliver more data, but you’re worried about data security and data privacy. You don't want everyone to access just any data...there has to be control.

A self-service model where you unleash your 'power users' and the potential impact on backend systems seems worrying. You don't think that Data Virtualization will give you both the self-service capabilities that your users want and the control that you need.

But is this true? Do you lose control when you use Data Virtualization? Does your data access become a free-for-all?

Join us for our webinar as we explore the conflicting challenges of openness and control with Data Virtualization and bust the myths surrounding whether data virtualization can provide the control you need.

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