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First Republic prides itself on delivering reliable, personalized service across a diverse variety of financial products, every day.For years, First Republic grew naturally, acquiring and integrating a variety of companies to expand its portfolio, but recently, upper management began to see the need for better collaboration between the bank’s myriad lines of business.

First Republic implemented the Denodo Platform, a logical data management platform powered by data virtualization, to centralize data by enabling real-time, logical connections to disparate data sources, without replication. First Republic initially implemented the Denodo Platform solely within the Private Wealth Management line-of-business, to facilitate regulatory compliance.

Once the Denodo Platform was approved by First Republic’s Enterprise IT for use within Private Wealth Management, it became approved for use throughout the organization at large. Ultimately, Every function within the organization has been benefiting from the Denodo Platform.

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Denodo Express

The free way to data virtualization