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Rick van der Lans

Independent Industry Analyst

Shyam Jayakumar

Founder & CEO

Paul Moxon

SVP Data Architecture & Chief Evangelist

This past pandemic year has proven yet again that change is the only constant - businesses are struggling to keep up with changing demands from consumers and digital forces that continue to converge, thereby creating competitive pressures. The need for speed and agility when delivering business results has never been more profound. As more data continues to become available, adopting modern data architectures have become a necessity for businesses in today’s digitally transforming world.

Join the leading data expert Rick van der Lans to understand how Data Virtualization plays a crucial role in accelerating business outcomes by enabling a modern data architecture that is built with flexibility, re-use, and speed as its driving force to address any data-centric initiative within your enterprise.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How data virtualization is designed to abstract and decouple data consumers (such as analysts, data scientists, reports/dashboards) from data producers (system of records such as cloud apps, excel spreadsheets, databases, warehouses, data lakes)
  • How organizations can make technology changes without business impacts
  • How data replication and unnecessary data movements can be eliminated How to future-proof your data modernization strategy

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