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The accelerating adoption of cloud platforms, cloud-based data stores, and software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications introduces new complexities and challenges for organizations that need to integrate their cloud data with on-premises databases and applications so that all systems work together seamlessly. The accelerating complexity of data in today’s hybrid, multi-cloud world means that organizations need to connect everything together in a way that is flexible and agile. However, it can be challenging and resource intensive to integrate all of the data and make it available in real time for analytics or data services. Traditional approaches, which use extract, transform, and load (ETL) processes to copy all of the data into a new repository for analysis, are time consuming and expensive, and they can result in data that is fragmented and out-of-date.

Data virtualization is the key technology to achieve this. As the only data integration style designed for distributed architectures, data virtualization provides a logical data-access layer on top of multiple heterogeneous systems in distributed architectures. Today, the data management ecosystem is distributed in nature, so data virtualization is the best fit.

Denodo Standard incorporates features that accelerate the delivery of governed data to business applications, in the most appropriate format for each consumer, across multiple heterogeneous systems.

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Denodo Express

The free way to data virtualization