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4th Annual Thailand OpenGov Leadership Forum 2022

We are proud to be a strategic partner at Thailand OpenGov Leadership Forum 2022 to help governments and financial institutions to break down barriers, collaborate, and work together for better outcomes for citizens.

We will be hosting an OpenGov Gamification Table (OGT) sessions which allow for intimate interaction with delegates, especially those who influence and determine digital strategies within their organisation, to discuss key issues relating to digital transformation.

Our Denodo expert will also be presenting an insightful session at 2.45pm SGT on "Accelerating the Path to a Data-Driven Government".

In this session, discover how government agencies can leverage a logical and unified approach to data management:

  • To improve service delivery, optimize processes and create resilience
  • Foster a data-driven culture for better citizen experiences
  • Apply consistent security and governance policies across the entire data ecosystem

Contact us for more information.

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