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E. & J. Gallo implemented a RESTful data services layer using the Denodo Platform, to create a flexible, universal, and easy-to-deploy data infrastructure to support the quality investigation process.

E. & J. Gallo winery is the world’s largest family-owned winery run by three generations of the Gallo family. They are the largest exporter of California wine with a diverse portfolio of products. Their brand value is heavily dependent on their unwavering commitment to the quality of their wine.

To become the largest family-owned winery in the world, E. & J. Gallo Winery has had to focus relentlessly on quality. So when the company needed to pinpoint product-quality issues across a vast amount of supply-chain data, E. & J. Gallo turned to the Denodo Platform.

From Grower to Retailer

To identify product-quality issues, E. & J. Gallo needed to search through multiple databases on the complex path between the grower and the retailer, but because these data sources were functional silos, they needed to be searched separately and then consolidated, which took time. If the company could not expedite this process, it faced possible brand dilution, lost revenue, and FDA compliance issues. So E. & J. Gallo implemented a RESTful data services layer using the Denodo Platform, to create a flexible, universal, and easy-to-deploy data infrastructure to support the quality investigation process.

The Denodo Platform enabled single queries to multiple data sources, and a single information feed to multiple data consumers, from a single model, which enabled E. & J. Gallo to more quickly and easily identify issues in the manufacturing process. The Denodo Platform also helped the company to make changes and replacements to ensure that the E. & J. brand remained strong. Finally, through easy issue identification and deep-dive, root-cause analysis, the company is able to more promptly comply with FDA regulations.

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