Data Security

Showing 11 - 20 of 31 pages tagged with: Data Security

Discovery Session: Virtualización de Datos

¿Eres director de TI, arquitecto, científico de datos, analista de datos o CDO?Únete a esta sesión online de 1,5 horas para descubrir en qué consiste la virtualización de datos, cómo funciona y los beneficios que puede brindar a tu organización.El programa incluirá una introducción a la virtualización de datos, los principales casos de uso, estudios de casos de clientes europeos y una demostración en vivo guiada paso a paso de las características de Denodo Platform con nuestra versión gratuita basada en la nube: Denodo Test Drive.

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Belgium & Luxembourg dedicated online Data Virtualization discovery workshop

Data virtualization has become an essential part of enterprise data architectures, bridging the gap between IT and business users and delivering significant cost and time savings. This technology revolutionizes the way data is accessed, delivered, consumed and governed regardless of its format and location.This 1.5 hour discovery session will show help you identify the benefits of this modern and agile data integration and management technology for your organisation.

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Myth Busters VI: Data Virtualization makes access easier – but what control do I have?

Your business stakeholders need more data, faster data, more relevant, and more timely data. They are pushing for a data and analytics self-service model to speed up getting key insights. The CEO has made it clear that this is critical to the continued growth and health of the business...this is your top priority.You've done your research and you really like the concept of using Data Virtualization as a data access layer, supporting the type of self-service wanted by the business. The fact that you have data spread across different departments, as well as in the Cloud, makes this idea even...

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Data Virtualization: for centralized data security and governed self-service (A/NZ)

Presented at Chief Data Officer November 2021 (A/NZ)Building self-service capabilities on a trusted foundation is the key to successfully unlocking your data assets and becoming more insights driven. Security, data privacy, and data protection represent concerns for organizations that must comply with policies and regulations that can vary across regions, data assets, and personas. Many organizations are struggling to find the best way to provide self-service to a single source of truth to all business users without having to move and make multiple copies of the data.Watch on-demand this...

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Logical Data Fabric to the Rescue: Integrating Data Warehouses, Data Lakes, and Data Hubs

Data warehouses were introduced to offer one integrated view of all the enterprise data spread across numerous isolated transactional systems. Now, organizations are struggling with a myriad of new data architectures that also try to offer some integrated view of the data to all business users and data scientists, such as data lakes, data hubs, data lakehouses.For business users, this is far from ideal. If they need data where should they get it from and how to integrate it? Especially now, that organizations want to become more data-driven, frictionless access to data is crucial.A popular...

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How to Swiftly Operationalize the Data Lake for Advanced Analytics Using a Logical Data Fabric (ASEAN)

Presented at Chief Data Officer Live Series 2021, ASEAN (August Edition)While big data initiatives have become necessary for any business to generate actionable insights, big data fabric has become a necessity for any successful big data initiative. The best-of-breed big data fabrics should deliver actionable insights to the business users with minimal effort, provide end-to-end security to the entire enterprise data platform, and provide real-time data integration while delivering a self-service data platform to business users.  Watch this on-demand session to learn how big data fabric...

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РАБОЧИЙ СЕМИНАР: Знакомство с виртуализацией данных для профессионалов в области данных (Russian)

Вы ИТ-менеджер, архитектор, специалист по данным, аналитик данных или CDO?  Присоединяйтесь к этой 1,5-часовой онлайн-сессии, чтобы узнать, что такое виртуализация данных, как она работает и каковы ее преимущества для вашей организации. Программа будет включать в себя введение в виртуализацию данных, основные сценарии использования, примеры из практики европейских клиентов и пошаговую демонстрацию возможностей платформы Denodo с помощью нашей бесплатной облачной версии Denodo Test Drive. Ознакомьтесь с полной программой для получения более подробной информации!

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Data Virtualization: Fulfilling the Digital Transformation Requirement (Indonesia)

Data is at the center of banking and financial organisations’ digital transformation initiatives, but caution needs to be taken to ensure customers’ data rights, privacy and security are top priorities, especially with initiatives like Open Banking and shifts to Cloud environments. So, enterprise architecture (EA) and technology innovation leaders need to refocus on data management and information architecture, making it central to all digitalization initiatives.In this webinar, we will discuss how data virtualization can update and modernize data architectures in the digital transformation...

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Delivering Faster Insights: The Hybrid Cloud Data Warehouse (APAC)

The adoption of cloud data warehousing is no longer seen as teetering on the bleeding edge of technology; a growing number of organizations are already using a cloud data warehouse or cloud data lake to support enterprise business intelligence, reporting, and dashboards. Businesses that migrate to the cloud still face challenges that complicate their ability to leverage cloud-based resources. Although conventional wisdom promotes the cost-effectiveness of the cloud, ungoverned operations allow data storage, egress, and computing resource costs to spiral out of control. Cost management is a...

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Secure your data with Virtual Data Fabric (Middle East)

Security, data privacy, and data protection represent concerns for organizations that must comply with policies and regulations that can vary across regions, data assets, and personas. Data virtualization offers a single logical point of access, avoiding point-to-point connections from consuming applications to the information sources. As a single point of data access for applications, it is the ideal place to enforce access security restrictions that can be defined in terms of the canonical model with a very fine granularity.Denodo has been successfully deployed in many organizations...

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